Hey Overachiever!
Break the burnout path and start living your true potential.
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Do you recognize these symptoms?
Persistent Fatigue
You wake up tired, regardless of how much sleep you've had.
Lack of Motivation
You' are completely demotivated towards things that used to be exciting.
Emotional Symptoms
You are constantly stressed and overwhelmed and can't find a way out of it.
Poor Performance
Your performance has started to decline and you can't help it.
... among many other symptoms.
If you recognize yourself in these, you may be having burnout symptoms.
When we are overwhelmed, our overloaded nervous system takes over. Without realizing it, we may say something we regret and cause tension with people in our lives.
Boundaries alone are not going to help, neither is self-care alone.
We have to go to the root of the problem.
True stress comes from teh hyperfocus on the gap between who we are and who we want to be.
You can go from reactive to proactive in 3 steps:
Resist the initial urge to respond with an immediate apology.
Get centered
Take 3 deep breaths and observe your body's reaction as you calm down.
Proceed with groundedness
Proceed with kindness; for others and yourself.
You can overachieve without burnout!
Let's pause, recenter, and thrive without the struggle.
No thanks.
I am already thriving but I will take the free resources.
No worries. I hate spam as much as you do.